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Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference 2022

Day 1 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from the Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference.

On Day 1 from the conference, we are featuring the Gartner opening keynote on adaptive resilience, the top trends impacting I&O, and the strategic roadmap for edge computing.

Gartner Opening Keynote:
Adaptive Resilience to Empower the Anywhere Business
Presented by Dennis Smith, Douglas Toombs and Julia Palmer, VP Analysts, Gartner

The Covid-19 pandemic showed that IT infrastructure & operations (I&O) professionals can satisfy fast-changing business needs, but the future will be even more dynamic. In the Opening Keynote, Dennis Smith, Douglas Toombs and Julia Palmer, VP Analysts at Gartner, explained how to transform I&O into an adaptive and resilient organization that can empower the anywhere business.

Key Takeaways

  • “Your 2022 mission in I&O can be summarized in three goals: 1) work hard to retain talent and staff; 2) seek out new talent where you may find it and 3) support and nurture talent so they can grow and evolve.”

  • “Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is fundamental to an adaptive organization.”

  • “Organizations in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 36% more likely to have financial returns above their industry medians.”

  • “Talent availability is the most significant adoption barrier to 64% of emerging technologies.”

  • “Building seamless integration can be a struggle. I&O leaders must be building towards having APIs everywhere. Any system that stores or processes data for your organization needs a comprehensive, robust and well-documented API.”

  • “As an I&O leader you must be aggressive in making automation a first class-discipline in everything that you do.”

  • “I&O must evolve to adaptive operations. Adaptive operations bring together your talent and your platforms in multiple new ways, to support constant business change.”

  • “I&O leaders will have to learn to work towards adaptive operations, to focus on multiple business models, by automating everything to create efficiency while prioritizing elasticity.”

The Top Trends Impacting Infrastructure and Operations
Presented by Jeffrey Hewitt, VP Analyst, Gartner

Infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders are expected to be able to deliver more adaptable and resilient service from anywhere — and for an increasingly distributed workforce. In his session, Jeffrey Hewitt, VP Analyst at Gartner, identified the top emerging trends that are impacting I&O over the next 12 to 18 months.

Key Takeaways

  • Just-in-time infrastructure: Putting the right infrastructure in the right place - colocation, data center, at the edge and more - is just as important as how quickly the infrastructure can be deployed.

  • Digital natives: There is an opportunity for traditional I&O organizations to lead with innovation and leverage their digital-native counterparts that thrived during the pandemic to also produce highly agile and competitive offerings.

  • Management confluence: I&O is increasingly moving toward integration and operations, or how all of the required management capabilities, such as ITSM or AIOps, can be brought together in a single tool to drive agility. This also drives the need for composable technologies.

  • Data proliferation: Data is going to continue to multiply in variety, velocity and volume, and the onus is put on I&O to support its storage and access.

  • Business acumen: I&O leaders are guiding their functions through a rapidly changing and distributed technology environment, driving the need for new I&O hires to have less of a technical background and more of a business-based mindset.

  • Career leaders to career lattices: Similar to the business acumen trend, I&O is moving away from single domain career paths driven by workloads and legacy technical skills, and more toward learning agility and cross-domain expertise.

The Strategic Roadmap for Edge Computing — 2022
Presented by Bob Gill, VP Analyst, Gartner

Edge computing is the next evolution of cloud computing, and it offers great potential for innovation and new business models. In his session, Bob Gill, VP Analyst at Gartner, described a future where edge computing is widely deployed, examining the drivers, challenges and milestones that will be needed to reach this state.

Key Takeaways

  • “Nobody really argues whether cloud computing is going to take off or impact our lives, because it’s already everywhere. Edge computing is the logical evolution of distributed computing vis-a-vis the cloud.”

  • “Cloud is often thought of as centralized, but this imposes challenges including latency and location of data. What we need is a way to counterbalance that centralization.”

  • “Edge computing offers the ability to provide innovative applications and business models.”

  • “Edge computing is proving itself to be so revolutionary in areas like the industrial sector, logistics, oil and gas, manufacturing and retail, that it’s beginning to blossom over into more horizontal industries as well.”

  • “The edge is the physical location where things and people connect with the networked digital world.”

  • “Today we have people doing proofs of concepts in the edge world that are not based on a standard architecture and so we have all these incompatible silos.

  • “There’s a need to create an edge strategy, and a set of frameworks and templates to use, to ensure that we’re all creating something that can be reused and optimized across different use cases.”

If you are interested, click here to watch the full recordings.

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(Forrás: Gartner)


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